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What is Tea Tree? What are the benefits of tea tree?

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Tea tree is an endemic plant belonging to the myrtle family and growing in Australia, New Zealand and Wales. Another known name of the tea tree is Indian laurel.

What is Tea Tree?

I feel like when you say tea tree , you immediately think of the fragrant tea that we brew and consume every day. However, the tea tree mentioned in our article is completely different and is definitely not a product from which tea is made today. Tea tree is an endemic plant belonging to the myrtle family and growing in Australia, New Zealand and Wales. Another known name of the tea tree is Indian laurel. The leaves of the tea tree are green in color. The oil found in its smooth leaves is widely used in health and cosmetic fields. The tea tree can grow 6-7 meters tall. It grows on its own and can survive for many years without needing any care. The most interesting aspect of the tea tree is its flowers. Its flowers never fade and their flowers never fall off. Its flowers, which are 10 cm to 40 cm long, have an interesting appearance with their pointed tips and white-cream colors. However, tea tree is not a product that can be used directly. Tea tree oil, obtained by distillation from the tea tree, is known to be a unique source of healing from nature. It has many benefits that are good for both your health and beauty. The benefits of the oil obtained from the flowers, leaves and trunk of the tea tree are countless.

Where Does Tea Tree Grow?

Tea tree plant, also known as Indian laurel, grows especially in the New South Wales region of Australia, New Zealand and Wales. Tea trees grow spontaneously in moist soils and maintain their vitality for many years without needing special care. It is known to grow especially in swamp areas. Their numbers are quite high around rivers.

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What are the benefits of tea tree?

The leaves, flowers and branches of the tea tree are used in different areas. Long ago, Australian sailors made tea from tea tree leaves and thought it was good for colds and flu. They used the oil obtained by crushing the leaves as a painkiller for joint and muscle pain. Researchers have also found that Australian and New Zealand women use the flowers and leaves of the tea tree to clean their hair, and burn the flowers as incense to leave a sharp and refreshing scent in their homes.

What is Tea Tree Oil?

Tea tree oil, which is obtained by steam distillation of the leaves of the tea tree plant, known in the scientific and medical world as Melaleuca Alternifolia, has a very sharp and essential scent. Tea tree oil, whose popularity has increased as a result of the use of the internet by everyone today, has many health-beneficial properties.

What are the Benefits of Tea Tree Oil?

Tea tree oil, which has countless benefits, has a wide range of uses. Health and cosmetics are the most widely used. You can see the benefits when you use tea tree oil, which is obtained entirely from 100 percent tea tree leaves and tea tree plants using the steam distillation method. Do not use cheap products that are marketed under the name of tea tree oil, which are produced by mixing chemical products and changing their content, and are not approved by the Ministry of Agriculture. Non-authentic tea tree oil can cause serious harm to your skin and health. Now we can start counting the benefits of tea tree oil, which comes from distant lands.

It was discovered by the explorers that Australian doctors use tea tree oil to heal wounds and close surgical incisions in a short time, thanks to its strong antiseptic and anti-bacterial content. Nowadays, tea tree oil is used especially in the treatment of acne and acne. It is known to be used in the treatment of acne, especially on the back and hip area. Before using it on acne on the face, be sure to use it on a small area and observe whether itching and burning occurs, and when you are satisfied that there is no negative situation, you can start using it. It is also very effective in healing skin diseases such as psoriasis and eczema. The strong content of tea tree oil will keep flies, mosquitoes and insects away from you. It is also used as a completely natural disinfectant because it destroys bacteria and viruses. If you want unwanted cold sores to disappear in a short time, you can lightly apply tea tree oil. By dropping tea tree oil into incense burners, you can obtain a pleasant and fresh scent in your living spaces and relieve mental fatigue with its calming and relaxing effect. Tea tree oil is also good for nail and hair growth thanks to its nourishing properties.